Sitcom adjacent show set in college with a sitcom “gang” of four college students: Liz, Scott, Pavan, and Mia.
Liz treats the real world like a sitcom and we are viewing her interpretation of the events that take place. She willingly reduces herself, her friends, and her environment into a one-dimensional sitcom world, and hates it when she loses control over how she is perceived.
Progressing through the show, Liz will eventually break the superficiality of sitcoms and learn to live with reality.
Liz Carlin
Nobody can figure her out because she doesn’t know who she is
Lovable but rough around the edges
From New York
Has a rich mother, but divorced parents
Architecture major
Starts off sarcastic, ironic, cynical
Learns to be herself as the season progresses
Straight-man, often asking stupid questions and starting conversations
Smart in a dumb way
Almost bro-ish
From Massachusetts
Psychology major
Awkwardly stumbles his way through funny situations
Chemistry major
Shy Extrovert
Slightly neurotic but always sticks with the group
International Student from Chile
Computer Science major
Slightly pessimistic
Plans for everything
Episode One (Pilot) - Beats
A Story - Liz Flips Gold Necklace
(1) Liz finds gold necklace in a thrift store, realizes it’s worth much more than it’s priced at, wants to flip it for profit
(1) She tries to sell it on eBay, doesn’t work out, tries to sell it at a jeweler, she notices he has a daughter, she can’t sell it because she has no idea what its quality is
(2) She wants to test the quality of her gold, asks Pavan to test in his lab, Pavan is hesitant but agrees, Liz wants to also steal dish soap, Scott wants Liz to steal thumbtacks for her
(2) They go to the lab, test gold quality, Liz dumps a chemical from a beaker and washes it to test her gold, hear a sound and leave, Liz drops dish soap and thumbtacks
(3) Liz sells the gold necklace for a big profit at the jeweler, convinces the jeweler it’s a family heirloom
(3) Liz buys everyone coffee, everyone leaves, Liz says “wait guys I forgot my jacket,” leaves massive tip
B Story - Scott Studies Studying
(1) Scott asks Mia for help with Stats
(1) Mia tries her best to explain everything, Scott doesn’t understand, Mia thinks it’s a good idea to use memory techniques to remember the formulas: “You’re a psych major, you’d know better than me”
(1) Scott tries to use mnemonics and chunking, tells his friends, they make fun of “chunking” - he read it in a paper
(2) Scott tries to use a mind palace “like Sherlock Holmes” he claims, forced repetition - he read it in a paper
(2) Scott is getting lost in his mind palace, asks Liz to steal thumbtacks to put index cards up
(3) Scott’s quiz is tomorrow, he’s screwed, Liz: “maybe you’d have been okay if instead of studying how to study, you’d just… studied”
(3) Scott’s quiz is canceled because his professor slipped on some thumbtacks, (he’s confused, Liz and Pavan look at each other, Liz is shocked but smiling, Pavan is just shocked)
C Story - Mia Versus Professor
(1) Mia’s professor hates her because she’s always coming in late, she slept through her alarm, so Mia decides she’s going to go to her class early next time
(1) Mia tells her roommate to wake her up and sets a really early alarm, sleeps through alarm, runs to class, runs back because she forgot her backpack, runs back to class, professor is passive aggressive
(2) Mia makes it to her classroom on time and sits there, she waits a while, she gets suspicious as nobody shows up, checks her email and realizes her class has been switched to another room, she’s late again
(2) Mia goes through an Eye of the Tiger montage, “wake up on time: check. brush teeth: check. shoes: check. backpack: check. check email for last-minute changes: che-”, Mia’s face drops
(3) Mia’s professor died (cut to conversation with Liz) “HE DIED?!” “He died hating me”
D Story - Pavan's Thrifted Mug
(1) Pavan finds a funny mug at the thrift store (some awareness thing)
(1) Pavan is drinking from his mug in the lab and talking to his lab-mates, his head researcher comes in and talks about how serious his mug is (there’s some tragedy associated with the event), Pavan is confused but agrees, the head researcher is suspicious if Pavan knows, Pavan folds and lets him know he got this mug from the thrift store because it was funny, head researcher does not appreciate it
(1) Pavan is on thin ice at his lab
(2) Pavan helps Liz test her gold, even though he’s on thin ice
(3) Pavan’s head researcher asks who cleaned the beaker, Pavan blames someone else, they look at him angrily, Pavan admits it was him, head researcher is proud of him because “that’s the kind of initiative he looks for”
Episode One (Pilot) - Cold Open
Conversation about tipping, our introduction to these characters. Liz is introducing them and quipping to the camera
Scott walks in and asks how not to tip: “They turn that iPad around and I lose all control.”
Pavan can’t help: “I can’t help you, man. I fold.”
Mia responds sarcastically: “I bet you do”
Pavan responds: “Easy for you to say! Everyone knows CS majors are born without hearts.”
Mia rolls her eyes, responds to Scott: “The key is to not look the employees in the eyes. That’s how they get you.”
Pavan: “Do they tip much in Chile?”
Mia: “No, but they have a service fee most places. 10%.”
Liz: “That’s exactly what we need in this country.”
Scott asks Liz: “How much do you tip?”
Liz responds bluntly: “I don’t.”
Scott is astounded: “What?”
Liz explains: “Tipping culture is toxic. They should really raise the minimum wage.”
Scott is taken aback: “But you’re rich! You have a moral obligation. That’s like seeing someone choke and not giving them the Heimlich!”
Liz: “Heimlich was a Nazi, you know.”
Pavan is confused: “No he wasn’t.”
Liz, smirking confidently: “Sounds like one.”
Potential Situations
Situation ideas for episodes.
Wrong Building
Last-Minute Studying for Mid-Terms
Laundry - All the characters are waiting for their laundry, bottle episode
House Party - During the party and exploring the aftermath
Weed Circle - Paranoia and fun
Dining Halls - Finding seating, choosing which one to go to
Being Late To Class - TA hates someone because they’re always late, passive aggressive, the person tries to make it on time but Murphy’s Law
Snow Day
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Office Hours
Career Fair
Watching A Movie - Argument erupts about what movie, devolves into separate arguments, people try to pirate the movie, Liz throws money at the TV to rent it on YouTube TV, can’t get the CVV, good for cold open
Writing A Paper In Record Time
Architecture Class - Liz
“Come with me to” - People unable to do anything by themselves
Fire Drill
WMUA/Student Radio
Car Breakdown
Murder Mystery
Thanksgiving Break
Spring Break
Starting Vaping
Drive Thrus
“Who’s The Main Character” - Conversation, good for cold open
Rec Center/Gym
Asking Someone Out - “I don’t wanna ask her out because I don’t want to shatter the idea that she might want to go out with me”
Dissolve Into Different Groups - Group splits up, guys have to hang out with guy friends, girls have to hang out with girl friends, show differences in how they talk in different groups, when they come back together, they speak normally
Eavesdropping Gag Ideas
One of the gags in The Liz Carlin Show is that before we pan to our characters in a scene, we have other characters that say something "stereotypically college." This is Liz's interpretation of what other people are like. When she's depressed, she perceives this people as judging her.
Yeah, I did track in high school, but that’s not me any more
The Starbucks on campus is worse than the one off campus
Going to class is the worst part of this whole college thing
He’s really smart but he sucks at teaching
If I just get a 97 on the final, I can get an A
I can’t justify spending that much money on a smoothie in a bowl